A compact solution for missing ports…

Thanks to a special integrated circuit from Silicon Laboratories, computer peripherals with an RS232 interface are easily connected to a USB port. This simple solution is ideal if a peripheral does not have a USB port, your notebook PC has no free RS232 port available, or none at all !

The HT-MP213 is designed to transition a piece of hardware from an RS-232/485 interface to a USB interface. We were attracted to the CP2103 because of its skinny schematic diagram. If we believe what the CP2103 datasheet schematic is telling us, it doesn't require any external resistors or crystals to bring a fully compliant USB 2.0 interface to life. The silicon encapsulates a level 2.0 full-speed function controller, transceiver, EEPROM, oscillator, and UART in a tiny QFN-28 package. The internal EEPROM is used for storing vendor-specific information in commercial applications. If we find that we need to access the EEPROM, there is easy access and programming via its USB interface.

USB-to-UARTS Interface Board HT-MP213

  • Features
  • Documents
  • How to Order?
  • Easily implement USB in your designs.
  • Works with Existing COM Port PC Applications
  • Implements full USB 2.0 protocol
  • 4 user-configurable GPIO pins for status and control information with LEDs indicator
  • Pre-programmed with all the necessary USB software.
  • Plug & play and seamless compatibility with most operating systems.
  • Low cost & Royalty-free Virtual COM Port (VCP) device drivers.


Application examples: Add an USB connection to HT-MC02 8051 Development Board.


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