Triple single-pole double-throw (SPDT) analog switch in DIP-16 package.
The HCF4053B is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology available in DIP and SOP packages. The HCF4053B analog multiplexer/demultiplexer is a digitally controlled analog switch having low ON impedance and very low OFF leakage current. This multiplexer circuit dissipate extremely low quiescent power over the full VDD -VSS and VDD-VEE supply voltage range, independent of the logic state of the control signals. When a logic “1” is present at the inhibit input terminal all channel are off. This device is a triple 2-channel multiplexer having three separate digital control inputs, A, B, and C, and an inhibit input. Each control input selects one of a pair of channels which are connected in a single pole double-throw configuration.
Brief Data:
- Multiplexer Configuration: 2:1.
- No. of Circuits: 3-Circuits.
- On State Resistance Max: 240Ω.
- Supply Voltage Range: 3V ~ 20V.
- Analogue Multiplexer Case: DIP16.
- Product Range: 4000 LOGIC Series.
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