Arduino – 4 – Using LCD+Keypad Shield

How to use 16×2 Character LCD + 6-buttons Keypad Shield ?

The LCD-Keypad Shield attaches to your Arduino board to provide a 16-character by 2-line display, white character, blue back light LCD with a keypad consisting of 5 keys > “select”, “up”, “right”, “down” and “left”. With this shield you will be able to move through menus and make selections straight from one board attached to your Arduino without requiring a massive tower of shields or wiring tangling around.

The LCD-Keypad Shield works perfectly in 4-bit mode with the “LiquidCrystal” library found in the Arduino IDE, using this library will allow you to control the LCD with only 6 digital I/O lines. This shield provides you with the capability of pushing multiple buttons at once and combining the results. No longer will you be restrained to only 5 inputs, now you have the ability to make use of 32 different button combinations!

This LCD Keypad Shield use total of 6-pins to control the LCD display which is pin-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. For LCD Data, it use pin-4, 5, 6, 7, while for the RS and Enable pin, it use pin-8 and 9. The Arduino-LCD Keypad Shield are only required to plug into the Arduino main board and there was no soldering are required such as shown in figure below.

lcd-keypad-10Fig-1: Plug the LCD+Keypad Shield directly onto Arduino Board.

Pins Assignment

Arduino Pin Function
A0 Buttons ( Select, Up, Down, Left, Right)
8 LCD Register Select, RS
9 LCD Enable, En
10 PWM control for Backlight brightness


Application Ideas

The below code listing demonstrate the use of this LCD+Keypad shield.

//  Author      : Handson Technology
//  Project     : Arduino Uno
//  Description : Display "Hello World" and 6-keys press

//Include the LiquidCrystal header file which is inside the Arduino IDE
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> 

/* ==== PINS ASSIGNMNET ==========
 * LCD RS pin to digital pin 8
 * LCD EN pin to digital pin 9
 * LCD D4 pin to digital pin 4
 * LCD D5 pin to digital pin 5
 * LCD D6 pin to digital pin 6
 * LCD D7 pin to digital pin 7
 * Backlight PWM control to Pin 10
 * LCD R/W pin to ground

// Set the I/O pin for LCD 4-bit mode following the library assignment: 
//  LiquidCrystal(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7).
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);

int analogPin = A0;  //Define the A0 as analogPin as integer type.
int adc_key_old;
int adc_key_in;
int NUM_KEYS = 5;
int key=-1;
int adc_key_val[5] ={30, 150, 360, 535, 760 }; //Define the value at A0 pin 
                                               // when a key is pressed.

// Define each key as character string type for keypress display.               
char msgs[5][15] = {"Right Key OK ", 
                    "Up Key OK    ", 
                    "Down Key OK  ", 
                    "Left Key OK  ", 
                    "Select Key OK"};
* RETURN:void
* Define of I/O pin as Input or Output 
// The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
void setup ()
  lcd.begin(16, 2);            // set the lcd type: 16-character by 2-lines
  lcd.clear();                        // LCD screen clear
  lcd.print("  HandsOn Tech  ");      // Send the ASCII code to the LCD for 
                                      // displaying the message

  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);                // sets backlight pin-10 as PWM output
  analogWrite(10, 125);               // Set backlight to 50% brightness 
  lcd.setCursor(0,1);           // set the position of next message string: 
                                // 1st position at 2nd line
  lcd.print("LCD-Keypad Sh");    
  delay(5000);                        // delay for 3000ms
  lcd.print("  HandsOn Tech  ");
  lcd.print("Pls press any"); 
  adc_key_old = analogRead(analogPin);// store the unpress key value 

* RETURN: void
* Non-Stop looping 
void loop()
  adc_key_in = analogRead(analogPin);  // Read the value at analogPin A0 and store 
                                       // the value in the adc_key_in register
  adc_key_in = get_key(adc_key_in);    // Send the adc_key_in value to
                                       // get_key() subroutine.
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);                 
  lcd.print(msgs[adc_key_in]);         // Display message with msgs[] 
                                       // according to adc_key_in value

* PARAMETERS: integer
* RETURN:unsigned int input
* convert the ADC value to number between 0 to 4
int get_key(unsigned int input)
  int k;
  for (k = 0; k < NUM_KEYS; k++)
    if (input < adc_key_val[k])
    return k;
    if (k >= NUM_KEYS)
        k = -1;     // No valid key pressed
    return k;

The code is self explanatory with the detail comments. Compile and upload the code into Arduino board and watch the result.

lcd-keypad-13Once the code is successfully compiled and upload into Arduino board, you should see the display as above shown.

Parts Used in this Tutorial

