AD16-22DS series indicators used pure-color LED luminescent chip as light source with long service life and low energy consumption. Pilot lights and LED indicator lights are indicating lights for machines or instruments and can also be built into switches. They can be used to indicate when a machine or industrial process has started or stopped. They provide solutions for a variety of requirements and are ideal for highly reliable visual indication. They can be found in: Automatic equipment, Telephones, Condition panels and Dashboard lights.
Pack of 2-pieces/pack.
Brief Data:
- LED Type: Red.
- Luminous Intensity: >60cd/m3.
- Terminal Type: Screw on.
- Mounting: Panel Mount.
- Operating Voltage: 12V DC/AC.
- Operating Current: <20mA.
- Continuous Operating Life: >30,000.
- Insulation Withstand: 2.5kVac, 1 minute.
- Panel Cut Out Diameter: Ø22mm.
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